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  • Writer's pictureBernard Yap

For most, we are raised up, taught and structured on what we should be, on what we should believe in and how we should behave. We are told to fit in to boxes of norms built by society, that certain ambitions and habits are respected and admired in which we should strive towards attaining them. Influenced by the friends and family around us, the society we grew up in throughout our life, when do our thoughts really become ours?

In time, we start to question ourselves and the things around us. With our minds focused on labels and classification, we search for new ways to label ourselves and fit in to boxes constructed by others once more, only to find that we fit in none of them.

A sense of emptiness looms over us. A slow descend in to the dark void, feeling lost or as though we are suffocating or drowning.

Periods such as these are when most would embark on a journey of self discovery and exploration.

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  • Writer's pictureBernard Yap

Personal development can be made easier by incorporating key practices into your daily routine. Some of the practices Blu has started on are:

A Question A Day

He starts to question himself, the things he does, his interests and what makes him interested in them or even the things that brings him joy and his feelings on various subjects. These questions help formulate the foundation of himself and help structure him in to a much more mindful way of thinking.


Blu signs up for a meditation and yoga classes and it went great! He feels much more relaxed and it feels like he is regaining his connection with himself. He is able to reflect upon himself and his actions much better. Sometimes the reason why we feel empty, insecure or easily agitated is because we've lost touch with our inner-selves.

Practicing Mindfulness

You can practice mindfulness every day by paying attention to yourself, your surroundings and people without judgement. Rationalizing your emotions in situations, understanding different perspectives and viewing things from a neutral standpoint can also shape your thinking while encouraging empathy.

Development and Passion

With personal development, some would find it easier to motivate

themselves to learn and improve if they have a purpose in doing so. By establishing a personal vision, they would have a clear idea of where they want to be in a few months or years. This is especially helpful for goal-driven individuals but we should always remind ourselves to set realistic goals for ourselves and allow flexibility for new events and

forthcomings that might happen.

The various passions and interests one possesses can further aid their

development and thinking by giving them an outlet to express themselves, to regulate their thoughts and provide the individual with a ‘drive’ in life.

Keeping Track

Journaling is a great way to reflect on your life so far especially when it comes to finding your core values. From accomplishments to pet peeves to the goals you have set and even fantasies. List these into categories and see which area has more.

Keep a record of the activities you participate in. The journal will be an excellent way to follow the chronological entries to see where you have been (psychologically) and where you are headed. Similarly, by taking note of your creative writing, artwork or social outreach, you can measure changes and improvements over a period of time.


Important Reminder:


Be honest and be comfortable with yourself.

We are all born with negatives and positives that change throughout the course of our lives, acknowledging and accepting them can help us overcome and improve. As we slowly learn to understand and accept ourselves, the ability to push and nurture our

potential grows.

Keep in mind, there will be times where you will lose yourself again only to have to go through the process of rediscovering yourself once more.

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  • Writer's pictureBernard Yap

Communicating or even sparking up a random conversation with a stranger might be easier said than done for most.

Being able to speak and fluidly converse with personalities of all sorts is a trait most would envy and it is an extremely handy trait for those who do have it. However, if you were to look around and observe those around you, quite a number of us struggle to converse or communicate with one another even if it is a simple, “hello”.

Though we may feel frustrated with ourselves at times for not being able to socialize and deliver a small piece of information clearly, we really shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. Not everyone was born with a silver tongue, as a matter of fact, some people develop their so called ‘silver tongues’ much later in their lives. The skill of good communication can be developed and nurtured just like many other talents and skills.

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